Welcome to the Great Falls Studios Virtual Gallery. Each month we open our doors to a new exhibit. We hope you stop in often and enjoy the diverse talents of the artists of Great Falls Studios.
Lahaina Lei 30” w x304” H Acrylic on Canvas
How to Gift a Cat photography 2017 Fenton opalescent glass cat with pink rose photographed for auction catalog
Jazi Pie 11x14 Oil on wood panel 2022
Tank the Kangal Acrylic on Canvas 11” x 14” October 31 2023 I met this Turkish Shepherd dog and his owner outside a Starbucks. Originally this was a Christmas scene but I decided to block out the background and have fun with colour play so as not to take away from the dog itself. My first Kangal! They have much different proportions from other breeds.
Archie the White Lab Acrylic on Canvas 8” x 10” September 2023 This one was for practice of a different breed
Caballo Mixed Media on Canvas 8” x 10” September 2023 My first attempt at a horse and then an homage to a friend knicknamed Caballo for his front teeth and wild mane. He unfortunately passed away and so I took apart a wooden saints bracelet to hope that he’s in Heaven, and some candy wrappers that remind me of us going to the candy store together as children.
Penelope Ponders the Holidays Photography 1:1 ratio December 1st, 2023 So many holidays, so little time.
Pumpkins for an Earlier Holiday Photography 2:3 ratio November 26th, 2023 So many pumpkins, so much fun photographing them for various holidays.
Spruce at Sunset Photography 2:3 ratio November 30th, 2023 The spruce tree is highly valued for a big December holiday.
The Wood Pile Photography 2:3 ratio November 16th, 2023 A good woodpile is highly valued for use in the cold winter holidays. But this one is kept so I can marvel at the beauty and variety in the log cross-cuts of this cedar tree, victim of a summer storm.
The Moon Plays Hide and Seek Photography 2:3 ratio November 25th, 2023 Hurtling towards the winter solstice the hours of darkness are longer than the hours of daylight. To balance things out it's good to walk outside at night and look up for inspiration.
“Christmas Star” Photograph Various Sizes artsyogi@verizon.net FB: Guru Sangat Kaur Khalsa Insta: gurusangatkhalsaartist
“Moonrise in NM” Photograph Various Sizes artsyogi@verizon.net FB: Guru Sangat Kaur Khalsa Insta: gurusangatkhalsaartist
“Star” Mixed Media On Wood Various Sizes artsyogi@verizon.net FB: Guru Sangat Kaur Khalsa Insta: gurusangatkhalsaartist