Welcome to the Great Falls Studios Virtual Gallery. Each month we open our doors to a new exhibit. We hope you stop in often and enjoy the diverse talents of the artists of Great Falls Studios.

Hidden Spring 24” w x 36” H Acrylic on Canvas

Butterfly Ballet Watercolor 11" by 15" Artstarsmjc@gmail.com

Rainbow Butterflies Watercolor 10" by 20" Artstarsmjc@gmail.com

Watercolor Beauties in the Garden 12" by 16" Artstarsmjc@gmail.com

Dream Mixed Media 24"x24"

Swallowtail Watercolor 8"x10"

Tiger Watercolor 10"x8"

Yellow Swallowtail on Echinacea Watercolor 7"x5"

Bee on Floribunda Watercolor 14"x11"

Ladybug Watercolor 7"x5"

"Some Wear and Tear" photography 5:7 ratio August 1st, 2023 An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on a summer afternoon in my garden. Plant butterfly bushes (Buddleia) and you will have entertainment all summer long.

"Hold Still" photography 5:7 ratio August 1st, 2023 A Silver Spotted Skipper on a summer afternoon in my garden.

"Notice My Fine Appendages" photography 5:7 ratio August 1st, 2023 A Cabbage White on a summer afternoon in my garden.

"Doing the Dusting" photography 5:7 ratio August 1st, 2023 A female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on a summer afternoon in my garden.

"Art Deco House by Nature" photography 5:7 ratio July 19th, 2023 A Bald Faced Hornet Nest on a summer morning in my neighbor's garden.

Rainy Day by The Potomac 10"x8" Oil on panel 2023 IG: theresamillerfinearts

Salvia Garden 10"x8" Oil on panel 2023 IG: theresamillerfinearts

Blue Mountains Beyond Oak Trees 18”x14” Oil on panel 2023 IG: theresamillerfinearts

Zebra Swallowtail photography 2016 Note the length of the tails

Tiger on Thistle photography 2007 The tiger swallowtail is Virginia’s state butterfly

Two Eastern Tiger Swallowtails Digital Photography 8x10 or 11x14 Did you know the Easter Tiger Swallowtails are the Virginia State Insect?

Red Spotted Purple Digital Photography 8x10 These are an occasional visitor to my garden. This is the only good picture I have ever gotten of this type of butterfly. When closed, they are grey and drab.

Zebra Swallowtail Digital Photography 8x10 I have planted a butterfly garden in my yard so I can walk among the flowers and enjoy the "flying flowers".

Feasting on the Blanche's Dahlia Digital Photography 8x10 My friend's beautiful garden attracted many wonderful butterflies.

Visiting Monarch Digital Photography 8x10 I have planted much milkweed in hopes of enticing monarchs to my yard

“Appreciation" Photography artsyogi@verizon.net

“West Village Diner" Photography artsyogi@verizon.net

“Surface Leaves" Photography artsyogi@verizon.net

“Foam and Crab" Photography artsyogi@verizon.net

“Culture Vulture" Photography artsyogi@verizon.net

Malachite Butterfly Photography Size Varies 2005

Roosting Monarchs, Mexico Photography Size Varies January 2018

Two Butterflies Photography Size Varies 2006

Tiger Swallowtail Photography Size Varies

Monarchs in Flight, Mexico Photography Size Varies

Fireflies is part of a series that celebrates cutting curves freehand without a pattern or template. I was interested in how the warm colors interacted with the dark background, as well as the various lines–some wide and some very narrow–and the shapes of the dancing dots against those lines. Densely free motion quilted with different motifs in different areas, including pebbles, waves, spirals, and ribbon candy.
The art featured in the Virtual Gallery is for sale. Contact the artist through the ARTIST PAGE of the Great Falls Studios website for details about the artwork featured in the Virtual Gallery and discover additional works of art.
Virtual Galleries of the past . . .