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Will Tuthill



Toad Stone Studio and the richly detailed art of Will Tuthill feature traditional hand-pulled prints created with antique or ancient tools, techniques and materials. Lithographs are painstakingly drawn on Bavarian Limestone and hand printed on acid-free cotton rag papers using a century old Fuchs & Lang press of wood and cast iron. Japanese Woodblock Prints are created, as in antiquity, by gracefully carving images in relief on woodblocks subsequently used to print layers of color with simple hand-made tools on hand-made papers. Other printmaking methods, including etching and engraving, are employed using traditional materials and tools such as metal plates and hand-cranked presses. Will Tuthill holds degrees in Fine Art and Science. His work is in the collection of the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and the Arts and private collections in the U.S. and abroad. Will Tuthill’s work has been shown at the Corcoran Gallery of Art and many juried exhibitions nationally and internationally. Each October, the artist’s Toad Stone Studio is open to the public during the annual Great Falls Studios art tour.

Each day of the tour provides an opportunity to relax into the pace of times past at Toad Stone Studio where art, science and history converge for a weekend of aesthetic and intellectual stimulation. Live printmaking demonstrations. Hands-on printing activity for children and adults. Discussions. Artifacts. Toads. Lithography: Witness the magical process of traditional stone lithography as I print one of my hand-drawn images from Bavarian Limestone on a century-old, hand-cranked lithographic press. Demonstrations held daily.  Moku Hanga: Experience the simple grace of the ancient and subtle art of Japanese Woodblock Printing as I print an original color image from hand-carved wood blocks. Demonstrations are ongoing throughout the tour.  Letterpress: Learn how books were once printed using individually hand-set letters. Pull the handle on an antique Vandercook tabletop proofing press circa 1931 to create a commemorative Studio Tour card. This activity is by request during the tour.  Stamping: You can make prints too! Use one of the oldest printmaking techniques to create your own bookmark from wooden stamps hand-carved by the artist. This activity is suitable for children and adults and is ongoing throughout the tour.  More: Learn about the 4 main types of printmaking. See several types of hand-operated presses including the beautiful mini Halfwood press, a work of art itself.

Toad Stone Studio features ancient and antique printmaking methods, tools and materials. Of note are the tools, particularly the hand-operated presses, and Will Tuthill’s finely crafted images created on this equipment. The centerpiece of the studio is the 100 year old Fuchs and Lang lithographic press composed of cast iron and wood. Also of iron and wood is the mini halfwood press, a work of art itself. One of the other presses is the iron Vandercook tabletop proofing press (circa 1931) accompanied by a small collection of lead type. When you're visiting, be sure to greet the resident studio toad.

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