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Linda Jones

Watercolor, Painting

My work reflects a love of nature and the environment around me in Northern Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay: landscapes and individual elements such as flowers, insects, birds, and trees. They are often depicted in close proximity such as a bee on a flower, or looking up at the sky through leaves and branches. Working in traditional watercolor and mixed media, my style tends towards realism, portraying impressions of my perception. I like layering washes on paper to create the subtle colors, textures and modeling of the subject, using vibrant colors to demonstrate the beauty of natural light. My mixed media techniques increase the texture of the painting, which I enjoy. I have painted in watercolors most of my life, but enjoy adding new ideas and techniques, keeping my work fresh. I love sharing my art process with others, and teach small classes in my studio. I also create printed and original art cards and fabric holiday ornaments.


Traditional watercolor techniques ‚ 10am to 5 pm


Mixed media techniques ‚ 10am to 5 pm


Finishing touches to watercolor and mixed media paintings ‚ 10am to 5 pm

Towlston Woods Studio
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