Robert Gilbert
Oil Painting, Watercolor
About ten years ago I decided it was time to do something with my life-time interest in painting. I started taking art lessons from the Alexandria Art Institute, Washington DC Capitol Hill Art Workshop and Del Ray Artisans. Gradually I moved into exhibiting my paintings and teaching art in private and art league classes.
Working and living overseas for 10 years provided me with the opportunity to experience a variety of life styles, environments, and a diversity of cultures. This has obviously impacted my painting. While I have painted many boats, portraits, pets, and sport scenes my passion is to paint landscapes, cityscapes and waterscapes. As an architect, I'm particularly taken with the monumentality of Manhattan's buildings and the feeling of power they project, especially at night. Coupled with the vibrancy of the street crowded with people, pulsing with noise and surrounded by light the emotion is overwhelming. It's this that drives many of my paintings.
On the other side of the equation my landscapes are usually quiet, subdued and relaxing. They invite you to touch the texture of the trees, mountains, rock and grass and meld into the environment. In all cases my paintings are somewhat representational, and always impressionistic and stylistic.

"We Will Not Forget"
Oil on Canvas
48 x 30"

"Rainy Day in Paris"

"Magnificent Falls"
Oil on Canvas

"Falmouth Harbor"

"Beets on a Box"
Oil on Canvas
20 x 16"