Jill Banks
When starting oil painting in 2003, I dove in head first and never looked back. Primarily, I paint from life with the challenges of moving subjects and changing light – plein air with my easel stuck right in the thick of things in wonderful locations or in my studio with “models” or still lifes. Painting from life is the inspiration behind my Impressionistic style. Each piece is more like a motion picture than freeze frame. You fill in the blanks. Quick career highlights: Best in Show – Knoxville Juried Plein Air competition 2022; Signature member – Women Artists of the West, American Women Artists, Washington Society of Landscape Painters; Published – Fine Art Connoisseur, PleinAir, Art of the West, Southwest Art (Artist to Watch), American Art Collector, Private Air Luxury Homes and Elan Magazines; Studio Visit/Demo – Womens Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts – March 2022 100 Faces in 100 Days Project – 2011; LOTS of other pinch me moments from painting adventures in the US and abroad. My goal is to have you right by my side – to enjoy the view. As tour guide, I ensure the view is great.
Each day you’ll find me painting something new. Check my website for time and subject.
Even though I have this wonderful space shared with my neat studiomates in the village, my real studio is a suitcase on wheels ready to be set up at a moment’s notice anywhere. At the Atelier, I’m more apt to use my plein air easel pulled out of that suitcase than the wooden one set up in my space. Ask me to show it to you. The best aspect of my space in the Atelier is that it is a shared space. We don’t see each other all the time – but I love being around my studiomates and their art plus sharing it with students from classes across the hall and all that wander in.