Dee Leggett
Photographer, Jeweler
I have been capturing the beauty and power of nature in my photographs for the past ten years. I come to my interest in the environment and in nature photography through a desire to enjoy and protect God’s creation. I hope to help others see and appreciate the beauty and intricacy of the natural world around them, the first step to an interest in respecting and protecting it. During 20 years in the Army I had the opportunity to travel throughout the US seeing natural beauty in all shapes and sizes. After leaving the military, my husband and I founded the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship in western Loudoun County, VA. I have a butterfly friendly front yard and spend time during summer days among those “flying flowers”. I have made wonderful friends by knocking on doors and asking if I can capture the beauty of their lovely gardens – colors, textures, shapes. I am always watching for scenes that will bring forth in my viewers emotions of joy, happiness, peace, hope, gentleness, and awe. Whether I photograph flowers in my yard, horses in my neighborhood, sunsets through the trees, the pounding water at Great Falls Park, glaciers in Alaska, shorebirds in Florida, or mountain streams in Albania, I seek to creatively portray the diversity and magnificence of the world around us. My photography seeks to remind all of us of the beauty of God’s creation, and of our privilege and responsibility to respect, protect, and enjoy it.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Feasting on Purple Flowers
Great Falls in Summer

Seneca Sunset